The Works

This PhD project explores the development from 19th century slave narrative manuscripts to their modern, cinematic forms. The selected works include Django Unchained (2012), 12 Years a Slave (2013), The Book of Negroes (2015), The Birth of a Nation (2016). Furthermore, The Birth of a Nation (1915) and The Confessions of Nat Turner (1831 & 1967) will be of interest.

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The Book of Negroes (Hill & Virgo)

The novel was written in 2007 by Canadian author Lawrence Hill and turned into a TV mini-series by Hill and Clement Virgo in 2015.

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12 Years a Slave (Northup & McQueen)


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Django Unchained (Tarantino)


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The Birth of a Nation (Parker)


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The Birth of a Nation (Griffith)

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The Confessions of Nat Turner (Styron)

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The Confessions of Nat Turner (Gray)


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Braveheart (Gibson)


Please see “Sources” page for all credits / websites for photos on this website.